7 Tips in Choosing an Exterior Color in Holland, PA

2021-11-09 Paint Philadelphia Holland PA Choosing an Exterior Color

One of the most difficult decisions you have over your home is choosing an exterior color.

Your home’s exterior color is immediately what people will see, and it sets the first impression upon your home.

It is important that we get good impressions right off the bat, to make it a more homely and inviting place to go in, not something that could literally be an inspiration for scary haunted houses in horror movies.

So, if you’re planning to get that repaint job done and is currently scouring the internet for tips and hacks in painting your home exterior to get it from zero-to-WOWZA! in a jiffy, well, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are 7 tips for choosing an exterior color in Holland, PA.

1. Think About Your Shade First

Just like doing your makeup, you don’t want to go too dark as opposed to what your right shade should be, right?

This is just like choosing an exterior paint for your home: you must think about the right shades and colors you want to incorporate into your exterior based on the vicinity of your home.

Is it always dark at your place? Might not want to consider painting your exterior a darker shade unless you want your home to look like an inspiration of Dracula’s house.

Does your place receive much sunlight? Might want to stray away from bright, neon colors like yellow then, unless you want to blind everyone passing by at your house.

This all depends on what will fit best within your vicinity, so take a good look at your exterior first.

2. Formulate a General Color Palette

In upgrading the look of your home exterior, you might also want to look into color palettes available online.

This is only to make sure that the colors blend and go well with each other, and it will be easier for you to look for them when you are getting paint, instead of choosing on the spot without prior consideration and thinking it over.

This will be better than ending up with a home exterior that looks like a mish-mash of randomly picked colors that don’t really go together.

3. Put Your Roof’s Color Into Consideration

Of course, considering your roof into choosing your home exterior is an essential step in doing that exterior repaint job!

You’d want your roof to look seamless and connected with your home exterior, rather than a separate entity altogether.

With this in mind, you can go with paint that will go with your roof’s color or repainting your roof altogether for a more seamless and cohesive repaint job.

4. Consider Sunlight Lighting

You’ve been having a hectic day getting all the materials for your exterior repaint project, but all is well because you’re pretty sure that the colors you’ve chosen will match and go perfectly with your desired theme.

Up until the project is finished and you find that the result is different from what you were expecting.

Since we are painting our exterior, we have to take daylight lighting into consideration, as it makes colors appear cooler than they are.

When you’re done choosing a final color and theme, try to go warmer alternative within the spectrum of the colors you’ve chosen so the outcome result would be something similar to what you first chose.

5. Don’t Go Too Crazy on the Accent Colors!

So, you’ve finally got them down: the right shade, your desired theme and color palette, the roof goes perfectly well with your exterior and the sun is making it shine just the right immaculate color, as you’ve taken that into consideration too.

The only thing left is the accent colors, and you immediately have tons of color ideas to put everywhere else in your exterior.

When getting accent colors, don’t get too carried away in choosing so many colors to highlight everything, or else it will look too busy and eccentric, and overall not pleasing to the eyes.

6. Be Financially Prepared

Let us just get it out there: doing an exterior repaint job is an expensive project, and a time-consuming one too.

Buying cheap, low-grade materials may be a shiny option for now – you’re getting the same for less – but in the long run, when you see your exterior breaking down at different seams and spots, you’ll realize that investing in those cheap materials only cost you more than you could save as you face another re-work of your initial project again.

Investing in quality materials is definitely pricey, so be financially prepared, but this will be an investment you won’t regret in the long run.

7.  Less is More

With comes to aesthetics, less is always more.

It is better to look simple but seamless and cohesive than end up with a jumbled mess of mish-mashed colors.

Getting a general theme with 2-3 colors is recommended, and anything more than that might be too much.


If you need professional help with your interior/exterior painting project, PAINT Philadelphia can help.

Our home interior/exterior painting services are available in Newton, Holland, and Richboro, PA.

Call us today at (267)682-8377 for a FREE painting estimate.

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